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Lead Agency

Moving on Mental Health is a province-wide action plan initiated by the Ministry of Children and Youth Service in 2014. Its purpose is to fix a fragmented Children's and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) System that is difficult for both families and professionals to access and navigate. The goal is to increase the degree of coordination, responsiveness, and ease of access for all children and families that need mental health services. In 2019, the Ministry of Health transferred responsibility for funding CYMH services.

Vanier Children’s Mental Wellness is the Lead Agency for the London-Middlesex service area.  As Lead Agency, Vanier is responsible for working to improve the functioning of the system collaboratively with the six other agencies in our area that receive funding to deliver at least one of a set of seven specific children and youth mental health services, including brief services, crisis services, counselling and therapy, family caregiver support, residential/intensive Services, targeted prevention, and specialized consultation and assessment.

The seven agencies include: